1. How do you do repacks and what got you so invested? I just took the inspiration from Fitgirl repack, she has the question answered in the faq so you can check it there, as to what got me invested, my friends have convinced me to continue doing this as it is my passion, and i haven't regretted it ever since
2. I found tadrepacks.xyz, tadrepack.org, tadrepack.net, etc... my only domain for the website is tadrepacks.com, with an s and the .com subdomain, im not changing it(if i were to for some reason, my discord server will provide the information)
3. why do you host the download links than upload them to other sites? because most of the sites will have the files deleted at some point, request you for money to "maximise" speed, or some other random bullcrap they will want from you, i host these out of my own money to provide for you the absolute best repacks and providing you with the fastest download i can give, i will also torrent soon so be on the lookout
4. I found a bug. the download link is down. the site is down. etc.... anything related to the site, my discord server is there for you to warn me about, you can tag me and let me know what is wrong, or i will announce it if there was an issue or that its down for maintenance
5. [Repacker site] has the game at a much lower size I know, however do remember im very new to all this and i will update all the games once i get better at this, you will get them at much lower sizes don't worry
6. Why are there some repacks on pixeldrain and some from google drive? I will be changing all pixeldrain hosts into drive, as drive is much cheaper, easier to manage, doesn't limit downloads and I can store as much as i want there
7. why are there some repacks with 2 links and some with 1? its because im still uploading it to the web, when it is done uploading you can expect the new link to be up!